Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Itch / Scratch

My apologies for such a delay in posting an entry; I've been a bit under the weather.

The time is currently 3:48 in the morning and I am having trouble sleeping. When this happens I tend to watch videos; tonight I chose to watch a comedian. I am 2:24 into the act, including the introduction, and I am infuriated in a manner that deserves a blog entry.

The comedian has just described a man in an airport who, "was so outta shape… he was like trying to itch his back and he couldn't reach it…"

This is just wrong, so very very wrong. It is so wrong, that if it were to be any more wrong, it would cause a haemorrhage in my brain.

Let us define the two words in question, shall we?

Itch = a discomfort or irritation to the skin, a restless or great desire, etc.
Scratch = to relieve said itch, to rub the skin, to scrape, writing on a surface, etc.

Clearing this up once and for all.

An itch is what you have when your skin is irritated.
A scratch is what you do to relieve the itch.

If you want to itch yourself, go to a magic or novelty store, buy some itching powder and rub it all over your body.

Then, when you want to get rid of it, SCRATCH yourself. (Truth to be told, that would most likely make it worse; instead of scratching, get some sort of anti-itch cream.)

Don't forget, when you're itching for relief, it's a scratch not an itch.